Our Mission

We are a Central FL lawn care company that provides high quality fertilizing, weed control and disease control in residential and commercial lawns and landscapes! We provide custom application programs and provide unsurpassed customer satisfaction!


Service Advantage

  • No premix applications

  • Customized spray applications for each individual service

  • Four seasonally designed fertilizer applications

  • Micro-nutrient & iron applications as needed

  • Sidewalk & driveways cleaned after dry applications

  • pH Stabilizing and Lime applications

  • Lawn damaging insect control including Chinch bugs and Sod-web worms

  • Flea, tick and fire ant control

  • Fungus and disease control including brown patch fungus

  • Weed control treatments including broad leaf and sedge weed

  • Full service application on a Bi-monthly schedule

  • Service calls and follow up treatments included at no additional charge

  • Soil testing when needed to identify special needs

  • informative checklist after every service

  • State certified, licensed and insured

  • Over 20 years of experience working in Florida

  • All account technicians are state certified and fully trained

Common Lawn & Shrub Pests


Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs are often confused with lawns suffering from drought. Chinch bugs use their piercing mouthparts to suck moisture from grass blades, then inject a toxic lethal saliva into the blades that interrupts water movement within the grass, causing the grass to die quickly if not treated. It is very important to have your lawn sprayed with a preventative treatment to stop damage to turf and sod replacement.



Where are you likely to find aphids? Aphids are most usually found on the following plants in Florida: Crape Myrtles, Gardenia, Oleander, Viburnum, Podocarpus and Hibiscus. This photo shows the underside of a Viburnum leaf. A very common plant in our area. They are usually located on the stems and undersides of leaves and on the actual flower buds.

Aphids suck juices from the leaves of their host plant which causes the leaves to curl and inhibits the overall plant’s growth. These prolific breeders can produce 50 to 100 offspring and each of these offspring can start reproducing in six to eight days. This makes their population increase extremely quick, thus making them a very destructive pest in our landscaping. Aphids can also lead to the presence of other nuisance pests. Aphids excrete honeydew, which is a prized food source for many species of ants.